Lesson 4: Learn how to read in Russian

There are some letters that don't exist in English and either represent unfamiliar sounds or have no sound value.

Ыы - It has no English equivalent. To produce "Ы" sound, notice the positions of the tongue when pronouncing English sounds "i" as in kit and "u" as in sugar. Then place your tongue in between and emit a voiced sound.

Ь - This letter is called the "soft sign" and has no sound value. It is used to modify the pronunciation of the preceding consonant by making it soft (palatalized). A consonant becomes soft when it is pronounced with the middle of the tongue raised towards the roof of the mouth. If there is a vowel afterwards, it is preceded by the the "y" sound as in yes.

Ъ - This letter is called the "hard sign" and has no sound value. It occurs only between a consonant and a vowel as in the word "въезд" (entry). It is used to show that the consonant should not be palatalized and that the consequent vowel is preceded by the the "y" sound as in yes.

Try to read: 

дым, Крым, срыв, шаль, моль, суть, путь, пыль, вьюн, лью, пью, съел, съем